The Restored 316 Business Planner has over 300 printable pages & 14 Digital spreadsheets to strategically get your business organized and in a position to flourish!
CLICK HERE TO ORDER: Business Planner by Restored 316
As an affiliate of Restored316, I’m happy to offer a Business Planner that is a download! It is an 8-1/2″ x 11″ version that you may store it in a pretty Martha Stewart binder as shown here.
Let me show you what their pages look like:
These week at a glance pages have the vertical day arrangment that you’ve been asking for. Room for appointments, reminders, notes, and more! What’s even more impressive is that they ARE DATED! Hardly ever find a download with dates so this is a big deal.
Want your tax planning to be quick and DONE? Use these Business Tracking pages!
More than a checklist, this is how to blog with ease! You can draft your blog posts in a cluster, load your photos on a different day, and these pages will keep you on track! There’s room for a couple of blog posts and ALL THE Social Media posts you’ve done to bring people to your blog. Also, and this is really cool, that bottom left tiny thing is all about Newsletter articles you can write to plug those blog posts. Work once, use it thrice!
Get serious about operating in the black every month. Track it. Deduct it. Evaluate it.
CLICK HERE TO ORDER: Business Planner by Restored 316